Reviewing: what you love to see in a review, what you love to give in a review, what you want to do for your own reviewing skills in the future?
What do I love to see in a review?
If someone reviews a work of mine, I like a well-rounded constructive one. One entailing what was good and what needs some work. Particularly if I don’t get characters quite correct. I strive to make all my readers happy by posting different scenarios. It helps keep things balanced story wise.
What do I love to give in a review?
Same thing as the answer to the 1st question. I do my best to give a well-rounded review with what I liked and what could be improved in a story. Punctuation that kind of thing. Praise is often the best tool you can bestow to a fellow author. We all tell stories that we want out there to be told and giving well-rounded reviews helps make them better in the long run.
What do I want to do for my own reviewing skills in the future?
Let’s see: Make them as detailed as possible and not make them a one or two liner. I’m getting better at telling other authors about how I loved the scenery they used in a story and the atmosphere. The emotions portrayed by each character, and how I felt like I was actually there living the scene with them. It’s all about the substance you put into a review and what you get out of it as the reviewer, not only you, but hopefully the author as well.
I always appreciate your reviews! 🙂
Nice Answer ZS, Like Jespah I do appreciate your reviews and the honest thoughts you share.
Reviews are awesome but as you say it is thought out reviews with thoughts and reflections on the piece with constructive comments that are most helpful. I do say constructive comments because they don’t need necessarily be constructive criticism. Constructive praise is also valuable.
Going forward, I’d say elaborating on your reviews is a great commitment to make. As others have commented they appreciate already your reviews. They need not be as detailed as possible but simply give your thoughts be they as long as or as short as they might be. And of course, give them. Feedback equals so much win.
Thanks for sharing your insights. Will have to get onto my own response.