Category Archives: Progress Updates

Updates coming soon for: Entwined Souls, A Remnant of the Past, Empathic Soulmates etc.

Hello everyone!

I’m here! This post is to inform you all of the updates I’ll be making for Entwined Souls, A Remnant of the Past, Empathic Soulmates etc.

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated my fanfics. *I blame a combination of writer’s block and pressing issues in RL.*

Also, I’ve been working on some other fanfiction stories for the fandom The Lost World over on another site.

*I have been getting internet trolls all over those stories on another site and my Star Trek fics as well. Some have been very nasty. While other’s have asked me to just plain stop writing because my written English is bad. Say what?* I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with that problem here at Ad Astra.

I never respond to trolls, they just pick whatever story is at the top of the page of a particular fandom (ie one or two of my Trek fics) and start saying random stuff. They don’t even leave constructive feedback or anything. I know their point is to make me stop writing my Trek fics. But I only laugh at these hecklers and boldly go forward.

My fics will be updated accordingly over the next few days.

Progress update for my fanfic Defeating a Common Enemy

This is a progress update for my fanfic Defeating a Common Enemy that was originally submitted for the October Story Challenge. I am currently working on chapter 2 and am also working on a book cover/banner for it.

A little saddened that I didn’t get at least one vote during voting for the three entries that made it. But I’m writing for me mostly. I didn’t expect anything really because this one fell a little flat.

If anyone is interested here is the 1st chapter to sink your teeth into:

Chapter 1: Defeating a Common Enemy 


*Cover art to be added later.*