What kind of writing would you like to tackle in the future?
I would like to focus on relationships/romance. I don’t write much in that area. I’ve written romance fanfics for other tv series in the past, but I either go the too sappy route or the other extreme, that has more intimate details. It’s kind of hard to find a balance to make a good story for everyone to enjoy.
What themes would you like to explore?
Romance is the main theme I’d like to tackle. But going about it isn’t so simple as I stated above. I already write a lot of drama pieces family too. I think maybe its time to move out of my comfort zone. Now the real question for myself is, where to begin with a good romance fanfic?
Go you. Romance! I’m too scared stiff to attempt to write that. Especially specifically. Well done for stretching yourself and moving out of the comfort zone. Well done too for all the entries this week. Way to cap things off.
Go on Romance, I’m sure your AU Riker and Troi relationship will have some good romantic dates for you to explore.
Well done with all your Blog this week.