Category Archives: Twelve Trials of Triskelion Week 8: Fabulous Fanart

Twelve Trials of Triskelion Week 8: Fabulous Fanart: The rocky shores of Veeloze 10

Ok, so here is my next entry for Twelve Trials of Triskelion Week 8: Fabulous Fanart: Laura Jane Troi-Riker on the rocky shores of Veeloze 10:


Bryce 7 Laura on Veeloze 10



*Took me quite awhile to figure out the controls in Bryce. Still figuring them out. Next up I’ll be making  a family picnic scene on the Grassland planet of Aronia II.*

*jespah, if you see this, you are more than welcome to use my Week 8 entries in the roundup posts.*